Himadri Roy
Himadri Roy
8 years ago

100 liters of a mixture contains 10% water and the rest milk. The amount of water that must be added so that the resulting mixture contains only 50% milk is

Solution(By Examveda Team)

80 Litter water required to convert mixture having 50% water.

Total Mixture = 100 L.
Milk in Mixture is = 100 - 100 of 10% = 90L.
Water in Mixture is = 100 - 90 = 10L.
So water Required to convert a mixture to 50% milk and water is 90 - 10 = 80L

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. NEHA Ji
    NEHA Ji :
    6 years ago

    200 litres of a mixture contains 15% water and the rest is milk. The amount
    of milk that must be added so that the resulting mixture contains 87.5% milk

  2. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    8 years ago

    Total Mixture = 100 L
    Milk in the mixture = 90% of 100 = 90 L.
    Water = 10 L.
    The amount of water to be added = 90 - 10 = 80 L.

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