8 years ago

2 trains start at the same time from Kolhapur and Mumbai and proceed towards each other at 16 km/hr and 21 km/hr respectively. When they meet , it was found that one train has travelled 60 kms. more than the other train. What is the the distance between Mumbai and Kolhapur?

A. 445 km

B. 444 km

C. 440 km

D. 450 km

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  1. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    8 years ago

    Difference between there speed = 21 - 16 = 5 kmph.
    When they meet difference between distance covered = 60 km.
    Faster train takes time to maintain this distance gap = 60/5 = 12 hours.
    It means after 12 hours, they meet each other.
    So distance between Kohlapur and Mumbai,
    16 * 12 + 21 * 12 = 192 + 252 = 444 km.

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