Mitra Gargi
Mitra Gargi
7 years ago

A does half as much work as B in three-fourth of the time. If together they take 18 days to complete the work, how much time shall B take to do it?

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  1. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    7 years ago

    Let there are 18 works.
    Together they take 18 days so per day they complete 1 work.
    So their efficiency per day is 1 work.

    Let B completes the work in x days
    So efficiency of B per day is 18/x works.

    As per question B will complete half of the work in 3/4 times x
    i.e; A will complete 0.5*(18) works in 3x/4 time
    So A will complete 9 works in 3x/4 time
    Now the amount of work done by A in x time is (9)*(4/3) = 12 works

    So efficiency of A per day is 12/x

    Together their efficiency per day is 1 work
    So we can write 18/x + 12/x =1
    30/x = 1
    We get time taken by B to complete the work to be 30 days.

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