Kumar Chandan
Kumar Chandan
10 years ago

A little girl goes to purchase a doll priced at Rs. 600. She is offered 4 discount options. Which option she should prefer to gain maximum advantage of the discount offered?

A. A single discount of 40%

B. Two successive discounts of 20% each

C. Two successive discounts of 30% and 10%

D. Three successive discounts of 25%, 10% and 5%

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Price of the Doll = Rs. 600

1st option:

40% discount on Rs. 600 = (600 *40)/100 = Rs. 240
2nd Option:

Two successive discount of 20% = (20+20) - {(20*20)/100} = 36% will be single equivalent discount which will be less than 40%.

3rd Option:

Two successive discount of 30% and 10% will be single equivalent will be = (30+10) - {(30*10)/100} = 37% which is also less than 40%.

4th Option:

600 ==25% diacount (-150) = =>450
450 ==10% discount ==> 405
405 == 5% discount ==> 384.75

Total Discount = 215.25 which is also less than 1st option.

Thus, she will get maximum benefit in first option.

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Akash Shaw
    Akash Shaw :
    9 years ago

    Option A. Discount @40% flat.
    Option B. Let price be 100,
    Discount = 100 x 20%=20
    + successive discount (100-20) x 20%=16
    TOTAL DISCOUNT = 20 + 16 = 36%
    Option C. Let price be 100,
    Discount = 100 x 30%=30
    +successive discount (100-30) x 10%= 7
    TOTAL DISCOUNT 30 + 7 = 37%
    Option D. Let price be 100,
    Discount = 100 x 25% = 25
    + successive discount (100-25) x 10% = 7.5
    + successive discount (100-25-7.5) x 5% = 3.375
    TOTAL DISCOUNT = 25 + 7.5 + 3.375 = 35.875%.
    [As can be seen, option A reaps the maximum benefit ie, 40% of 600 = Rs.240/-]

  2. Deepu
    Deepu :
    9 years ago


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