Joy Shaha
Joy Shaha
8 years ago

A retailer buys 40 pens at a marked price of 36 pens from a wholesaler. If he sells these pens giving a discount of 1%, what is his profit percent?

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  1. Ajay Pangtey
    Ajay Pangtey :
    3 years ago

    Given, •CP of 40pens = Marked Price of 36 pens
    •Sells these 40pens at 1% discount.
    Find the profit%?
    profit% on 40pens would be:
    { (SP of 40pens - CP of 40pens) / CP of 40 pens } x 100 -----------> equation 1

    We need to find •CP of 40 pens.
    • SP of 40 pens.

    For CP of 40 pens:
    Since CP of 40pens = MP of 36 pens
    let, MP of 1 pen = 1Rs
    then,CP of 40 pens = Marked price of 36 pens = 36Rs. (Since CP, MP Relation is given in ques)

    Now for SP of 40 pens

    we know the retailer sells these 40pens at a discount of 1%, and the discount is always given at the marked price.
    And 1% discount on marked price means the item will be sold at 99% of the marked price

    Marked price of 40 pen would be 40Rs( one pen MP is 1rs)
    So SP(Selling price) of 40 pens would be 99% of Marked price of 40 pens
    The SP of 40 pens = (99 /100) x 40Rs
    = 39.6 Rs
    Profit% of 40 pens -------- using equation 1
    = {(39.6-36)/36} x 100
    = 10%

  2. Ashok Sahu
    Ashok Sahu :
    3 years ago

    Customer ne 36 pen purchase kiye to cp of retailer
    36 pen ka cp =36 /-
    Then sell 40 pen at 1% discount so s.p= 40*99/100
    S.p = 39.6 /-
    Profit= sp-cp
    = 39.6-36
    3.6 /-

    Profit%= (3.6/36)*100= 10%

  3. Manish Ganvir
    Manish Ganvir :
    6 years ago

    bought 40 pen at MP of 36 pen
    let for 1 pen ,MP =100
    hence for 40 pen(i.e 40*1=40) ,MP=3600 (i.e 36*100=3600)


    profit=9(i.e 99-90=9)
    hence % profit=9/90*100=10%

  4. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    8 years ago

    Good Explanation @Sudhakar.

  5. Sudhakar Prajapati
    Sudhakar Prajapati :
    8 years ago

    Let the marked price of each pen be 1 Rs.
    Then he buys 40 pens at 36 Rs. (Since 40 pens at the marked price of 36 pens)
    So, the price of each pen = 36/40 = 0.9 Rs.
    While selling he makes 1% discount from the marked price 1 Rs. Thus, he sells at 0.99 Rs.
    Profit for a pen = 0.99 - 0.9 = 0.09
    In percentage, profit = (0.09 / 0.9) x 100 = 10%
    Answer = 10%

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