10 years ago

An examination paper contains 8 questions of which 4 have 3 possible answer each, 3 have 2 possible answers each and the remaining one question has 5 possible answers. The total number of possible answers to all the questions is:

A. 3240

B. 78

C. 2880

D. 94

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Total Number of questions = 8.
4 questions has 3 options, so

Eachother of 4 questions can do be done in 3 ways,
So, required number of answer = 3*3*3*3 = 81 ways.
Next 3 questions has 2 options.

They can be done in 2*2*2 = 8 ways.
And the last 1 questions has 5 options  that can we done in 5 ways.
Thus total  number of ways =81 *5 * 8 = 3240.

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