sangeeta arora
sangeeta arora
8 years ago

Manoj bought 2 dozen pastries for rs 240. He sold 12 pastries at Rs. 12 each and the rest of them at cost price. Find his loss or profit percent.

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Priti Saraf
    Priti Saraf :
    8 years ago

    Cost price = 240
    Sale price = 120 + (12*12) = 264
    Profit = 264 - 240 = 24
    Profit % = 24/240 * 100 = 10%

  2. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    8 years ago

    2 Dozen = 24 pastries.
    CP of per pastry = 240/24 = Rs. 10.
    SP of 12 pastry selling at Rs. 12 each = 12 * 12 = 144.
    SP of remaining 12 pastry = 12 * 10 = 120.
    Total SP = 144 + 120 = 264.
    Profit = 264 - 240 = 24.
    % Profit = (24 *100)/240 = 10%.

  3. Sarath B
    Sarath B :
    8 years ago

    10 % Profit

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