Joy Shaha
Joy Shaha
8 years ago

Karina has a wheat business. She purchases wheat from a local wholesaler at a particular per pound. The price of the wheat at her local is tk. 30 per kg. Her faulty spring balance reads .90 kg for a kg.Also in the festival season she gives 10% discount on the wheat. She found that she made neither a profit nor a loss in the festival season. At what price did Karina purchase the wheat from the wholesaler?

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Sumon K.
    Sumon K. :
    2 years ago

    Let, She bought 10 pounds first.
    Because of her faulty spring, she sold 10 pounds as 9 pounds.
    Selling price: 9×3 = $ 27
    Deducting 10% discount = 27 – (27×10%) = $24.3
    So for one pound the value = $ (27 – 24.3) = $ 2.43

  2. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    8 years ago

    The selling price after offering 10% discount = 30 - 10% of 30 = 27

    Now,she collects money for 0.9 kg and there is neither profit nor loss, hence, her selling price = 27 * 0.9 = 24.3 which should be the cost price for 1 kg of wheat.

    The cost is Rs. 24.3 per kg
    = Rs. (24.3/2.2) per pound
    = Rs.11.045 per pound.

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