naseeb khan
naseeb khan
7 years ago

Ramsukh bhai sells rasgulla (a favorite Indian sweet) at Rs.15 per kg. A rasgulla is made up of flour and sugar in the ratio of 5:3. The ratio of price of sugar and flour is 7:3 (per kg). Thus, he earns 6623% profit. What is the cost price of sugar?

A. 10/kg

B. 9/kg

C. 14/kg

D. 18

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Vaibhav Shekhar
    Vaibhav Shekhar :
    3 years ago

    Flour Sugar
    Quantity. 5 : 3
    Price. 3 : 7
    ------. -------
    15. 21
    15 + 21 = Rs 36
    Total quantity =5 + 3 = 8kg costs Rs. 36
    Profit 66 2/3 we can say out of 2 = 3 profit
    2+3=5 ------ 3 profit
    So, 15 ---------- 9 profit
    So quantity of 8 kg multiplying 9 = Rs72
    But, it also gives Rs. 36 so, 1-------Rs 2
    Therefore cp of sugar = 7 *2=14
    And xp of flour =3*2=6

  2. Sumit Ahlawat
    Sumit Ahlawat :
    3 years ago

    A person sells Barfi sweet at Rs 102 per kg. A barfi is made up milk and sugar in the ratio 4:1. The ratio of price of sugar and milk is 2:5 per kg. he earns 42.84% profit. What is the cost price of milk?​

  3. Dhananjay Kumar
    Dhananjay Kumar :
    5 years ago

    SP of 1kg rasgulla= Rs.15
    Profit= 200/3%
    CP= (15×100)/(500/3)= Rs. 9
    CP of 1 kg of sugar= 7x
    CP of 1 kg of floor= 3x
    3x. 7x
    7x-9. 9-3x
    CP of sugar= 7x= 14 per kg

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