10 years ago

Ratio of income of A and B is 6:5 ratio of their expenditure is 3:2 ,if B saves 1/4th of his income ,find ratio of their savings?

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Sagun Gupta
    Sagun Gupta :
    9 years ago


  2. Prasad
    Prasad :
    9 years ago

    let the 6:5 is taken as 24 and 20,then 1/4 saves B is ba saves B's expenditure is 15...
    but the expenditure ratio is 3:2 ie 2x =15,x=7.5 so the expenditure of A is 7.5*3 22.5 ,so A's saving is 24-22.5=1.5 so the saving of A:b is 1.5/5 ie 3:10

  3. Gopu
    Gopu :
    9 years ago

    Last step of Kumar's answer is wrong.
    Ratio of savings of A and B = (y/5)/(2y/3) = 3:10

  4. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    9 years ago

    Let Income of A = 6x
    Income of B = 5x
    Let expenditure of A = 3y
    Expenditure of B = 2y
    Saving of A = 6x -3y ----------------- (1)
    Saving of B = 5x - 2y ---------------(2)

    According to question,
    Saving of B = 1/4*(5x)
    5x -2y = 5x/4
    x = 8y/15 ------------ (3)
    Using the value of equation 3 in equation (1) and (2).

    Saving of A = 6*(8y/15)-3y = y/5 ------- (4)
    Saving of B = 5*(8y/15)- 2y = (2y/3) ------ (5)

    Ratio of savings of A and B = (y/5)/(2y/5)= 1:2

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