Neeraj Toppo
Neeraj Toppo
8 years ago

The sum or two numbers is 37 and the difference of thier squares is 185, the difference of the two numbers is

A. 4

B. 5

C. 3

D. 10

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Let two numbers are X and Y.
X + Y = 37.
X2 - Y2 = 185
(X + Y) (X - Y) = 185
X - Y = 5.

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. S Pachima
    S Pachima :
    4 years ago


    (x-y)=5 ans

  2. Dipti
    Dipti :
    8 years ago

    Ya 5

  3. Kajal Shaw
    Kajal Shaw :
    8 years ago

    Let the two numbers be X and Y
    The sum of two numbers is 37,
    Then, X + Y = 37 .........(1)

    The difference of their squares is 185.
    Then, X^2 - Y^2 = 185 ........... (2)
    X^2 - Y^2 =(X - Y) (X + Y)
    From equation (1) and (2),
    185 = (X - Y) x 37
    X - Y = 185/37
    X - Y = 5
    Then, the difference of two numbers is 5.
    Hence, the answer is (B) .

  4. Anonymous
    Anonymous :
    8 years ago

    Its 5

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