Sushma Saroj
Sushma Saroj
8 years ago

Two circles of radii 5 cm and 3 cm touch each other at A and also touch a line at B and C. The
distance BC in cms is?
plz explain with the help of diagram.

A. sqrt60

B. sqrt62

C. sqrt68

D. sqrt64

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Sushma Saroj
    Sushma Saroj :
    8 years ago

    thanks diwakar prajapati.But I know this rule co'*co'+cp*cp=o'p*o'p

  2. Diwakar Prajapati
    Diwakar Prajapati :
    8 years ago

    Let the larger circle have center O and smaller circle have center at O'.
    They touch at A.
    Larger circle touch the line at B and the smaller circle at C.
    Let the given line and the line passing through the centers intersect each other at P
    Triangle BOP and triangle CO'P are similar, so
    BO/CO'=5/3=OP/O'P=(OA+AO'+O'P)/O'P (using properties of similarity)
    solving we get, O'P=12
    in triangle CO'P
    CO'*CO'+ CP*CP=O'P*O"P
    solving we get
    BP/CP=5/3 (Similarity)
    solving BC=sqrt60

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