10 years ago

'x' number of men can finish a piece of work in 30 days.If there were 6 men more, the work could be finished in 10 days less. The original number of men is?

A. 6

B. 10

C. 12

D. 15

Solution(By Examveda Team)

x men can finish a work in 30 days. It menas they need (x *30) men -days to complete the work.

If there were 6 men more, then

No. of men now = (x +6)

They can finish the work in (30 -10) days = 20 days.

They need [(x+6) *20] men days to complete the work.

In the both case they are finishing the same work. That is

Work in first case = Work in second case


x * 30 = (x +6) *20

30x = 20x + 120

10x = 120

x = 12 men.

Original number of men = 12

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Comments ( 6 )

  1. Suchit Bagri
    Suchit Bagri :
    3 years ago

    Very nice solution

  2. Irfan
    Irfan :
    9 years ago

    thanks examveda..

  3. Irfan
    Irfan :
    9 years ago

    If we do this question by option checkiing ..
    A) let x=6
    total work must be remain the same
    after increasing 6 men
    180 nnot equal to 240


    therefore C is correct

  4. Leelanand Kumar
    Leelanand Kumar :
    9 years ago

    Thanks TEAM EXAMVEDA........

  5. Leelanand Kumar
    Leelanand Kumar :
    9 years ago

    Here, my Method is Men one days work is 1/30-----(1)
    whereas Men one days work is 1/20------(2)
    Now subtracting (2)-(1) i.e.
    X+6 men one days work - X men one Days work= 1/20-1/30;
    X+6-x= 1/20-1/30... i.e.,
    6 men one days work is 1/60...
    Now from this one man one days work is 1/360.
    now From initial statement 1 X men finish a piece of work in 30 days...
    so (1/360)*X*30=1
    by solving this we will get X = 12;
    So initially 12 men present...

  6. Kumar Chandan
    Kumar Chandan :
    9 years ago

    I think both methods are good. However, Through work equivalence it could be done in one line:
    x*30 = (x +6)*20 x= 12 men.
    Good explanation @Leelanand.

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