The average age of 7 members of a family is 40 years. In the family, there are three men, three women and one boy. If the average age of three men is 48 years and average age of three women is 44 years, then the age of the boy is:

The average of marks obtained by A and B is 15 less than that of average marks obtained by B and C. If the marks obtained by C is 65, What is the marks obtained by A?

The numbers of students in section A and section B of a class are 50 and 62, respectively. The average score in mathematics of all students is 75. If the average score of students in section A is 20% more than that of students in section B, then what is the average score of students in section A (correct to one decimal place)?

A cricketer whose bowling average is 12.4 runs per wicket, takes 5 wickets for 26 runs in the next innings and thereby decreases his average by 0.4. The number of wickets taken by him till the last match was

In a class of 60 students, 40% are girls. The average weight of the boys is 62 kg and that of the girls is 55 kg. What is the average weight of the whole class?

The average of 25 numbers is 64. The average of the first 13 numbers and that of the last 13 numbers are 62.8 and 72.2, respectively. If the 12th number is 61, and if the 12th and 13th numbers are excluded, then what is the average of the remaining number (correct to one decimal place)?

Average of 7 consecutive odd numbers is 31. If the previous and next odd number to these 7 odd numbers are also included, then what will be the new average?

There is a number consisting of two digits, the digit in the unit's place is twice than digit in the ten's place and if 2 subtracted from the sum of the digits, the difference is equal to $${\frac{1}{6}^{{\text{th}}}}$$ of the number. The number is-

The average age of a cricket team of 11 player is 27 year. If two more players are included in the team the average become 26 years. Then the average age (in year) of the two included player is:

There is a group of 8 teachers. One teacher leaves the group and a new teacher joins the group. Due to this the average age of teachers becomes same as the average 2 years ago. If the member who left was aged 42 then what is the age (in years) of new teacher?

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