The greatest number will divide 3026 and 5053 leaving remainders 11 and 13 respectively?

The difference between three times and seven times of a number comes to 36. What is the number?

Amitabh picks a random integer between 1 and 999, doubles it and gives the result to Sashi. Each time Sashi gets a number from Amitabh, he adds 50 to the number, and gives the result back to Amitabh, who doubles the number again. The first person, whose result is more than 1000, loses the game. Let 'X' be the smallest initial number that results in a win for Amitabh. The sum of the digit of 'X' is:

Prof. Suman takes a number of quizzes for a course. All the quizzes are out of 100. A student can get an A grade in the course if the average of her scores is more than or equal to 90. Grade B is awarded to a student if the average of her scores is between 87 and 89 (both included). If the average is below 87, the student gets a C grade. Ramesh is preparing for his last quiz and he realizes that he must score a minimum of 97 to get an A grade. After the quiz, he realizes that he will score 70, and he will just manage a B. how many quizzes did Prof. Suman take?

A student got twice as many sums wrong as he got right. If he attempted 48 sums in all, how many did he solve correctly?

Three-fifth of a number is equal to 70% of another number. What is the ratio between the first number and second number ?

A virus known to cause a deadly disease, is also a rapid multiplier. It is known that it can double itself every 30 minutes. If a container is completely full of this virus after 50 hours, when was the container half empty?

The LCM of two number is 45 times their HCF. If one of the numbers is 125 and the sum of HCF and LCM is 1150, the other number is:

The smallest number of four digits which on division by 4, 6, 10 and 15 leaves a remainder 2 in each case is:

One-third of a tower is painted black, $$\frac{5}{{11}}$$th of the remaining part is painted red and the rest is painted white. If the white part measures 60 ft.,the total height of the tower is-

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