15% of 45% of a number is 105.3. What is 24% of that number.

The ratio 5 : 4 expressed as a percent equals :

If 60% of A = $$\frac{3}{4}$$ of B, then A : B is :

In an examination, 93% of students passed and 259 failed. The total number of students appearing at the examination was :

When 75 added to 75% of a number, the answer is the number. Find 40% of that number.

If 15% of (A + B) = 25% of (A - B), then what percent of B equal to A ?

When 60 is subtracted from 60% of a number, the result is 60. The number is :

In an examination A got 25% marks more than B, B got 10% less than C and C got 25% more than D. If D got 320 marks out of 500, the marks obtained by A were :

A reduction of 10% in the price of an apple enable a man to buy 10 apples more for Rs. 54. The reduced price of apples per dozen is :

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