Two persons contested an election of Parliament. The winning candidate secured 57% of the total votes polled and won by a majority of 42000 votes. The number of total votes polled is :

In a factory 60% of the workers are above 30 years and of these 75% are male and the rest are females. If there are 1350 male workers above 30 years, the total number of workers in the factory is :

In the last financial year, a car company sold 41800 cars. In this year, the target is sale 51300 cars. By what percent must the sale be increased ?

One third of a number is 96. What will 67% of that number be ?

If the duty on an article is reduced by 40% of his present rate by how much percent must its consumption increase in order that the revenue remains unaltered ?

If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 20% and the denominator is decreased by 5%, the value of the new fraction becomes $$\frac{5}{2}$$. The original fraction is :

A line of length 1.5 metres was measured as 1.55 metres by mistakes. What will be the value of error percent ?

A reduction of 20% in the price of wheat enables Bhuvnesh to buy 5 kg more wheat for Rs. 320. The original rate (in rupees per kg) of wheat was :

If the height of a cylinder is increased by 15% and the radius of its base is decreased by 10% then the percentage change in its curved surface area is :

Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% of the third number. What percent is the first number of the second ?

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