In an examination, 65% of the students passed in Mathematics, 48% passed in Physics and 30% passed in both. How much percent of students failed in both the subjects ?

At an election there were two candidate got 38% of votes and lost by 7200 votes. The total numbers of valid votes were :

In 2 kg mixture of copper and aluminium, 30% is copper. How much aluminium powder should be added to the mixture so that the quantity of copper becomes 20% ?

If 20% of (A + B) = 50% of B, then value of $$\frac{2A - B}{2A + B}$$   is :

Ticket for all but 100 seats in a 10000 seat stadium were sold. Of the ticket sold, 20% were sold at half price and the remaining tickets were sold at the full price of Rs. 20. The total revenue from the ticket sales, (in Rs.) was :

The average of marks obtained by 100 candidates in a certain examination is 30. If the average marks of passed candidates is 35 and that of the failed candidates is 10, what is the number of candidates who passed the examinations ?

If 90% of A = 30% of B and B = 2x% of A, then the value of x is :

18% of which number is equal to 12% of 75 ?

Out of his total income, Mr. Kapur spends 20% on house rent and 70% of the rest on house hold expenses. If he saves Rs. 1800 what is his total income (in Rs.) ?

Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. If 20% of the smaller number added to 20, is equal to the sum of 10% of the larger number and 25, the the smaller number is :

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