Find the : (550% of 250) ÷ 275 = ?

By how much percent is four-fifths of 70 lesser than five-sevenths of 112 ?

The firm uses the following function to calculate the production out (PO) : PO = 5.3C2 L15, where C = capital invested and L = labour employed. If the capital invested (C) increases by 20 percent, the change in PO will be :

On a test consisting of 250 questions, Jassi answered 40% of the first 125 questions correctly. What percent of the other 125 questions does she need to answer correctly for her grade on the entire exam to be 60% ?

Find the 92.5% of 550 = ?

40% of 265 + 35% of 180 = 50% of ?

If a exceeds b by x%, then which one of the following equations is correct ?

10% of 5 and 5% of 10 add up to

In an examination, 30% and 35% students respectively failed in History and Geography while 27% students failed in both subjects. If the number of students passing the examination is 248, find the total number of students who appeared in the examination.

In an examination, the percentage of students qualified to the number of students appeared from school A is 70%. In school B, the number of students appeared is 20% more than the students appeared from school A and the number of students qualified from school B is 50% more than the students qualified from school A. What is the percentage of students qualified to the number of students appeared from school B ?

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