The percentage increase in the surface area of a cube when each side is doubled is :

In an examination, 35% of the candidates failed in Mathematics and 25% in English. If 10% failed in both Mathematics and English, then how much percent of candidates passed in both the subjects ?

The population of a town increases every year by 4%. If population was 50000 in starting, then after two years will be :

In a town, the population was 8000. In one year, male population increased by 10% and female population increased by 8% but the total population increased by 9%. The number of males in the town was :

The population of a village is 25000. One-fifth are females and the rest are males, 5% of males and 40% of females are uneducated. What percentage on the whole are educated ?

In a factory, the production of cycles rose to 48400 from 40000 in 2 years. The rate of growth per annum is ?

A student scored 32% marks in science subjects out of 300. How much should he score in language papers out of 200 if he is to get overall 46% marks ?

Present population of a village is 67600, It has been increasing annually at the rate of 4%. What was the population of the village two years ago ?

In a college, 40% of the students were allotted group A, 75% of the remaining were given group B and the remaining 12 students were given group C. Then the number of students who applied for the group is :

A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had :

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