5 kg of metal A and 20 kg of metal B are mixed to form an alloy. The percentage of metal A in the alloy is ?

23% of 8040 + 42% of 545 = ? % of 3000

While purchasing one item costing Rs. 400, I had to pay the sales tax at 7% and on another costing Rs. 6400, the sales tax was 9%. What percent of the sales tax I had to pay, taking the two items together on an average ?

The difference between 54% of a number and 26% of the same number is 22526. What is 66% of that number ?

If 75% of a number is added to 75, then the result is the number itself. The number is :

40% of 60% of 32% of an amount is Rs. 432. What is the amount ?

In a test, minimum passing percentage for girls and boys is 35% and 40% respectively. A boy scored 483 marks and failed by 117 marks. What is the minimum passing marks for girls ?

A clothing supplier stores 800 coats in a warehouse, of which 15 percent are full-length coats. If 500 of the short-length coats are removed form the warehouse, then what percent of the remaining costs are full length ?

Peter could save 10% of his income. But two years later when his income is increased by 20%, he could save the same amount only as before. By how much percent has his expenditure increased ?

A papaya tree was planted 2 years ago. It grows at the rate of 20% every year. If at present, the height of three is 540 cm, what was it when the tree was planted ?

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