If the price of a book is first decreased by 25% and then increased by 20%, then the net charges in the price will be :

The current birth rate per thousand is 32, whereas the corresponding death rate is 11 per thousand. The net growth rate in terms of population increase in percent is given by :

A reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5 kg more for Rs. 100. What is the reduced price per kg ?

If X is 90% of Y, then what percent of X is Y ?

30% apples out of 450 are rotten, How many apples are in good condition ?

Find the value :
3.2% of 500 × 2.4% of ? = 288

76% of the students in a school are boys. If the number of girls is 204, then the total number of students is :

1100 boys and 700 girls are examined in a test; 42% of the boys and 30% of the girls pass. The percentage of the total who failed is :

If a number is reduced by 40% it becomes two-thirds of another number. What is the ratio of the first number to the second number ?

In a mixture of milk and water, the proportion of water by weight was 75%. If in the 60 gm mixture 15 gm of water was added, what would be the percentage of water ?

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