Abhishek purchased 140 shirts and 250 trousers @ Rs. 450 and @ Rs. 550 respectively. What should be the overall average selling price of shirts and trousers so that 40% profit is earned ? (rounded off to next integer)

A man sells two chairs at Rs. 120 each and by doing so he gains 25% on one chair and loses 25% on the other. His loss on the whole in Rs. is = ?

A man wanted to sell an article with 20% profit: but he actually sold at 20% loss for Rs. 480, at what price he wanted to sell it to earn the profit = ?

A shopkeeper sells an article at a loss of $$12\frac{1}{2}$$% . Had he sold it for Rs. 51.80 more, he would have earned a profit of 6% . The cost price of the article is = ?

A person purchased 10 dozen pens at the rate of Rs. 4 per dozen. On checking, he found that 20 pens were not working. In order to earn 25% profit, he should sell the remaining pens each at -

Jacob bought a scooter for a certain sum of money. He spent 10% of the cost on repairs and sold the scooter for a profit of Rs. 1100. How much did he spend on repairs if he made a profit of 20% ?

A person sells a table at a profit of 10% . If he had bought the table at 5% less cost and sold for Rs. 80 more, he would have gained 20% . The cost price of the table is = ?

A radio is sold for Rs. 990 at a profit of 10% . What would have been the actual profit or loss on it had it been sold for Rs. 890 ?

A man sells an article at 10% loss. If he had sold it at Rs. 10 more, he would have gained 10% . The cost price of the article is = ?

By selling a bicycle for Rs. 2850, a shopkeeper gains 14% . If the profit is reduced to 8% then the selling price will be -

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