11. The cake resistance increases steadily with the time of filtration in a plate and frame filter employing constant __________ filtration.
12. For crushing of solids, the Rittinger's law states that the work required for crushing is proportional to
13. Xanthates are used in the froth floatation process as a/an
14. Dispersion of a gas through liquid is done by using a
15. Vacuum is applied in __________ zone, in case of a general type continuous rotary drum vacuum filter.
16. The process by which fine solids is removed from liquids is termed as
17. The mechanism of size reduction by a hammer mill is by impact and attrition between the
18. Paddle agitator
19. Tabular bowl centrifuges as compared to disk bowl centrifuges
20. Which of the following is not a part of the Blake jaw crusher?
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