71. In a size reduction crushing operation, feed size is 100 to 300 mm. while the product size is 10 to 50 mm. This is a case of the __________ crushing.
72. Sorting classifiers employing differential settling methods for separation of particles make use of the differences in their
73. Pebble mills are tumbling mills widely used for grinding in the manufacture of paints & pigments and cosmetic industries, where iron contamination in the product is highly objectionable. Pebbles used in pebble mill are made of
74. Hot, lumpy & abrasive materials are best transported by using a/an __________ conveyor.
75. The study on washability of coal is done by using the __________ technique.
76. Size reduction of fibrous materials like wood, asbestos, mica etc. is done by a disintegrator exemplified by the
77. The porosity of a compressible cake is
78. Arrange the following size reduction equipment in the decreasing order of the average particle size produced by each of them.
79. If Dp is the equivalent diameter of a non-spherical particle, Vp its volume and Sp its surface area, then its sphericity is Φs is defined by
80. __________ is the most commonly used 'filter aid'.
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