41. A control system is unstable, if the open loop frequency response exhibits an amplitude ratio exceeding unity at the crossover frequency. This is __________ criterion.
42. In a single tank system, the transfer function of __________ to inlet flow rate is $$\frac{1}{{{\text{TS}} + 1}}.$$
43. Which of the systems having following transfer functions is stable?
44. For an input forcing function, X(t) = 2t2, the Laplace transform of this function is
45. Thermal conductivity measurement is used for the determination of
46. Bode diagram are generated from output response of the system subjected to which of the following input?
47. Working principle of mercury in glass thermometer is based on the __________ of mercury with increase in temperature.
48. Find the ultimate gain and frequency for a proportional controller in the case of a process having the transfer function $${{\text{G}}_{\text{p}}}\left( {\text{s}} \right) = \frac{1}{{\left( {4{\text{s}} + 1} \right)\left( {2{\text{s}} + 1} \right)\left( {{\text{s}} + 1} \right)}}.$$
49. Temperature measurement range of iron-constantan thermocouple is 0 to 870°C. It can be used to measure sub zero temperature, because at lower temperature
50. A proportional controller with a gain of Kc is used to control a first order process. The offset will increase, if
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