51. Temperature measuring instruments are standardised mostly with __________ points of pure substances.
52. Flow rate through an orifice is __________ the pressure differential.
53. Bode stability method uses __________ loop transfer function.
54. Characteristic equation is the denominator of __________ loop transfer function.
55. Routh stability method uses __________ loop transfer function.
56. Temperature measurement by optical pyrometer is done above __________ point, which is 1063°C.
57. Dead zone in an instrument must be less than __________ percent of the scale.
58. A non-linear system will have __________ steady state values.
59. The second order system with the transfer function $$\frac{4}{{{{\text{s}}^2} + 2{\text{s}} + 4}}$$ has a damping ratio of
60. Liquid argon level in a pressurised storage tank (at 3 kg/cm2) is measured by a/an
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