11. For the proposed air port, the survey project provides
12. As per ICAO, for A, B, and C type of airports, maximum effective, transverse and longitudinal grades in percentage respectively are
13. The bearing of the runway at threshold is 290°, the runway number is
14. The air is blowing at a speed of 75 knots in the direction of the aircraft flying at a ground speed of 775 knots. The air speed of the aircraft, is
15. The best direction of a runway is along the direction of
16. An airport has 4 gates. If the weighted average gate occupancy time is 30 minutes and gate utilization factor is 0.5, then the capacity of the gate will be
17. Geometric design of holding apron of these statements
18. The bearing of the longest line of a wind rose is S 45° E, the bearing of the runway will be numbered
19. The strength of winds is measured with the help of
20. The depressions and undulations in the pavement, are caused due to
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