If in a closed traverse, the sum of the north latitudes is more than the sum of the south latitudes and also the sum of west departures is more than the sum of the east departures, the bearing of the closing line is in the

In triangulation surveys

If $$\theta $$ and $$\delta $$ be the latitude of a place and declination of a star respectively, the upper culmination of the star will be north of zenith if its zenith distance, is

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

If θ and δ be the latitude of an observer and declination of a heavenly body respectively, the upper culmination of the body will be south of zenith if its zenith distance, is

Which of the following methods of offsets involves less measurement on the ground?

The difference between a level line and a horizontal line is that

Pick up the correct statement for horizontal photographs.

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