Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
Section 22
Section 23
Section 24
Section 25
Section 26
Section 27
Section 28
Section 29
Section 30
31. Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): In double account system, the final accounts of a company fails to disclose the true condition of its assets.
Reason (R): Because the assets of the company are shown at their cost price even when they are completely worn out.
Now, select your answer:
Assertion (A): In double account system, the final accounts of a company fails to disclose the true condition of its assets.
Reason (R): Because the assets of the company are shown at their cost price even when they are completely worn out.
Now, select your answer:
32. The liability of partners is . . . . . . . . .
33. A company with total assets amounting to Rs. 15,00,000 (including Goodwill Rs. 1,50,000 discount on issue of shares Rs. 2,00,000 and accumulated loss Rs. 2,00,000) and the total liabilities amounting to Rs. 2,20,000 (including a contingent liability of Rs. 40,000) has been taken over by a new company for a purchase consideration of Rs. 11,50,000. the Goodwill a/c in the vendee company's books will appear at:
34. The question contains two statement. One is Assertion (A) and the other is Reason (R). You have to examine both the statements carefully and decide whether the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are separately true? and If so, then Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. Mark these items in the balance sheet.
Assertion (A) Balance sheet does not reveal ownership of business.
Reason (R) Assets are just unrefined cost.
Assertion (A) Balance sheet does not reveal ownership of business.
Reason (R) Assets are just unrefined cost.
35. The term 'depletion' is used in relation to
36. A retiring partner continues to be liable for obligations incurred after his retirement:
37. Which of the following is not current asset?
38. The profit ratio of A, B and C, who are partners in a firm is 4 : 3 : 2. After D is admitted their sacrificing ratio will be:
39. Study the following transactions.
1. Raising of short-term loans.
2. Goods purchased for cash.
3. Payment of bonus in the form of shares.
4. Issue of shares in lieu of raw materials.
Select the correct answer:
1. Raising of short-term loans.
2. Goods purchased for cash.
3. Payment of bonus in the form of shares.
4. Issue of shares in lieu of raw materials.
Select the correct answer:
40. A partnership agreement comes to an end
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- Accounting - Section 5
- Accounting - Section 6
- Accounting - Section 7
- Accounting - Section 8
- Accounting - Section 9
- Accounting - Section 10
- Accounting - Section 11
- Accounting - Section 12
- Accounting - Section 13
- Accounting - Section 14
- Accounting - Section 15
- Accounting - Section 16
- Accounting - Section 17
- Accounting - Section 19
- Accounting - Section 20
- Accounting - Section 21
- Accounting - Section 22
- Accounting - Section 23
- Accounting - Section 24
- Accounting - Section 25
- Accounting - Section 26
- Accounting - Section 27
- Accounting - Section 28
- Accounting - Section 29
- Accounting - Section 30