Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
Section 22
Section 23
Section 24
Section 25
Section 26
Section 27
Section 28
Section 29
Section 30
31. Which of the following reports have to be submitted before the company's annual general meeting as per the Companies Act?
32. Match the following.
a. Absorption
1. Profit on reissue of shares is to be transferred to . . . . . . . .
b. Accumulated losses and fictitious assets
2. When there are one or more liquidation and no formation, it is known as . . . . . . . .
c. Consolidated revenue profits
3. Internal reconstruction is generally resorted to write off . . . . . . . .
d. Capital reserve
4. The group share of proposed dividends by the subsidiary is added to . . . . . . . .
List-I | List-II |
a. Absorption | 1. Profit on reissue of shares is to be transferred to . . . . . . . . |
b. Accumulated losses and fictitious assets | 2. When there are one or more liquidation and no formation, it is known as . . . . . . . . |
c. Consolidated revenue profits | 3. Internal reconstruction is generally resorted to write off . . . . . . . . |
d. Capital reserve | 4. The group share of proposed dividends by the subsidiary is added to . . . . . . . . |
33. Under which section of the Companies Act provision has been made for the use of share premium?
34. Profit on revaluation of assets in case of retirement of a partner shall be distributed to capital accounts of:
35. The amount of depreciation provided in the Sinking Fund Method when compared to Annuity Method is:
36. When fixed cost is Rs. 10,000 and the profit volume ratio is 20% then break even point will be
37. A and B are equal partners. When partnership was dissolved their capitals are Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 40,000 respectively. After all assets are sold and liabilities paid, there is cash balance of Rs. 60,000. The amount of profit or loss on realisation is:
38. Pre-acquisition profit in a subsidiary company is considered as
39. A journal entry, in which two or more accounts are debited/credited, is known as
40. The stock of stationary on 1st January 2002 is Rs. 300, payment for stationary during the year is 2002 Rs. 1,080 and stock of stationary on 31st December 2002 is Rs. 50. What will be the amount shown in income and expenditure account for the year ending 31st December, 2002?
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- Accounting - Section 1
- Accounting - Section 2
- Accounting - Section 3
- Accounting - Section 4
- Accounting - Section 5
- Accounting - Section 7
- Accounting - Section 8
- Accounting - Section 9
- Accounting - Section 10
- Accounting - Section 11
- Accounting - Section 12
- Accounting - Section 13
- Accounting - Section 14
- Accounting - Section 15
- Accounting - Section 16
- Accounting - Section 17
- Accounting - Section 18
- Accounting - Section 19
- Accounting - Section 20
- Accounting - Section 21
- Accounting - Section 22
- Accounting - Section 23
- Accounting - Section 24
- Accounting - Section 25
- Accounting - Section 26
- Accounting - Section 27
- Accounting - Section 28
- Accounting - Section 29
- Accounting - Section 30