81. The poet composed a poem while . . . . . . . . under a tree.
82. Rashi . . . . . . . . the newspaper every morning on the train.
83. Nuclear energy is . . . . . . . . dangerous to be used widely.
84. Monica . . . . . . . . since last week.
85. Yesterday I got a call from my old friend, and he . . . . . . . . me the whole story.
86. Ali is an amateur . . . . . . . . stenography.
87. Anomalous Finites refers to a group . . . . . . . . finites.
88. You . . . . . . . . the cleaning. I would have done it tonight.
89. The rains have set . . . . . . . .?
90. . . . . . . . . answers were given by you.
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