91. Change the following sentence into simple past tense:
I will make a fresh batch in the morning.
I will make a fresh batch in the morning.
92. Fill in the blank with the best option:
Honesty ________ the best policy even today.
Honesty ________ the best policy even today.
93. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
The weather ________ sunny yesterday morning.
The weather ________ sunny yesterday morning.
94. Up until the tap water . . . . . . . . back on yesterday evening, we . . . . . . . . water back and forth for three days.
95. Correct the underlined part, if necessary:
Have you seen the news on television last night ?
Have you seen the news on television last night ?
96. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.
When you ______ me up yesterday it ______ hard.
When you ______ me up yesterday it ______ hard.
97. Scientists . . . . . . . . that some artificial photosynthesis . . . . . . . . possible.
98. The electricity . . . . . . . . off last night just as the film on TV . . . . . . . . interesting.
99. Farmers . . . . . . . . the field.
100. Fill in the blank.
Wait until I tell this story. It _____ your hair stand onend.
Wait until I tell this story. It _____ your hair stand onend.
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