21. Fill in the blank with a suitable option:
"My mother was so helpful while she was staying with us"
"What ____________ to do?"
"My mother was so helpful while she was staying with us"
"What ____________ to do?"
22. Complete the sentence using appropriate option:He couldn't find his way to our house. (a map)_______
23. Complete the sentence using most appropriate option:Why isn't Sarah at work today? _____ ill?
24. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate tense form:
"Why have you bought so many ingredients?"
"Because I __________ a meal for two people."
"Why have you bought so many ingredients?"
"Because I __________ a meal for two people."
25. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
A: How did he die?
B: He _________ in the earthquake.
A: How did he die?
B: He _________ in the earthquake.
26. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:Who ______ him yesterday?
27. My brother . . . . . . . . past the post office every morning and I . . . . . . . . him all week to post a letter for me, but he keeps forgetting, so I'm going to post it myself tomorrow.
28. As the police . . . . . . . . the road, we . . . . . . . . a time-consuming detour around the mountain.
29. When Darwin . . . . . . . . the theory of evolution through natural selection years ago, the scientists of the day . . . . . . . . over it fiercely.
30. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
We usually ________ table tennis every Saturday.
We usually ________ table tennis every Saturday.
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