51. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
Can I turn off the TV? You ________ it.
Can I turn off the TV? You ________ it.
52. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
_____your teacher speak English when he was seven?
_____your teacher speak English when he was seven?
53. I . . . . . . . . a lot of weight since I . . . . . . . . drinking beer every night.
54. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:Last summer we ____ a trip to Houston.
55. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
He ____ paint pictures when he was just three.
He ____ paint pictures when he was just three.
56. I . . . . . . . . an extra part-time job last week as we . . . . . . . . the money.
57. Shakespeare . . . . . . . . dramas that are appealing to the people of all ages.
58. When is the simple present tense used?
59. Normally, people . . . . . . . . quickly from the flu, but so far this year many people . . . . . . . . as a result of it.
60. The fact that more people . . . . . . . . ozone-friendly products nowadays . . . . . . . . that the media can positively increase public awareness.
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