101. Which was the first commercial computer built by M.V. Wilkies.
102. Disketts and hard disks are
103. If you see a diskette with a piece of foil covering its notch, it is said to be
104. No computer can do anything without a
105. The estimation of the value of a function at a point beyond the interval in which the data lies is called known as
106. An input device that is able to interpret pencil marks on paper media is known as
107. Front-end processor is a _____ designed specifically to handle the communications processing task.
108. The shifting of a program from one of the memory addresses to another is
109. Arranging data in a specific order is called
110. The area of computer science which is concerned with the display of pictures is
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- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 2
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- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 5
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 6
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 7
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 8
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 9
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 11
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 12