61. A microprocessor integrates the arithmetic logic and control circuitry of a computer into one chip. The first microprocessor was built by a group of engineers at the Intel Corpn. Can you tell who headed this group?
62. In the IBM PC-AT, what do the words AT stand for?
63. The punched card used in the IBM System/3 contains
64. Which of the following is associated with networks?
65. Which was the first computer to use transistors instead of vacuum tubes?
66. A CPU's processing power is measured in:
67. The binary equivalent of the Hexadecimal number 7BD is
68. Which of the following is non-impact printer?
69. In which year was the PC voted 'The Machine of the Year's by the American Time magazine?
70. When used with I/O devices, the term intelligent implies
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- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 7
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 9
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 10
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 11
- Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous - Section 12