21. Computers normally solve problem by breaking them down into a series of yes-or-no decisions represented by 1s and 0s. What is the name of the logic that allows computers to assign numerical values that fail somewhere between 0 and 1?
22. The component of an ICAI (Intelligent Computer-Asslsted Instruction) presenting information to the student is the:
23. The company that grew out of research at the MIT AI lab is:
24. Which technique is being investigated as an approach to automatic programming?
25. One definition of AI focuses on problem-solving methods that process:
26. Artificial intelligence is
27. The primary method that people use to sense their environment is:
28. The Newell and Simon program that proved theorems of Principia Mathematica was:
29. In LISP, the function assigns . the value of a to b is
30. The cray X-MP, IBM 3090 and connection machine can he characterized as
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