21. An expert system is a computer program that contains some of the subject-specific knowledge of one or more human experts.
22. Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?
23. LISP machines also are known as ___________
24. What will happen if the hypothesis space contains the true function?
25. CaDet is used for early cancer detection.
26. The adjective "first-order" distinguishes first-order logic from ___________ in which there are predicates having predicates or functions as arguments, or in which one or both of predicate quantifiers or function quantifiers are permitted.
27. Programming a robot by physically moving it through the trajectory you want it to follow is called _____________
28. A process that is repeated, evaluated, and refined is called __________
29. Which of the factors affect the performance of learner system does not include?
30. The Personal Consultant is based on?
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