91. Which of the following is not a conflict in software development team?
92. When composing reusable components that have not been written for your application, you may need to write adaptors or 'glue code' to reconcile the different . . . . . . . .
93. Which model in system modelling depicts the static nature of the system ?
94. According to ISO 9001, the causes of nonconforming product should be
95. Which mechanism is applied to use a design pattern in an OO system?
96. How many phases are there in Requirement Analysis ?
97. Structured Analysis is based on the principle of Bottom-Up Approach.
98. The philosophy of Cleanroom SE focuses on defect removal rather than defect avoidance.
99. which of the following terms is a measure of the probability that the system will cause an accident?
100. Which of the following is not an option to achieve reliable cost and effort estimate?
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- Software Engineering - Section 1
- Software Engineering - Section 2
- Software Engineering - Section 3
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- Software Engineering - Section 5
- Software Engineering - Section 6
- Software Engineering - Section 7
- Software Engineering - Section 9
- Software Engineering - Section 10
- Software Engineering - Section 11