91. In the case of direct current
92. In a lamp load when more than one lamp are switched on the total resistance of the load
93. A 3 ohm resistor having 2 A current will dissipate the power of
94. Electric pressure is also called
95. The resistance of a parallel circuit consisting of two branches is 12 ohms. If the resistance of one branch is 18 ohms, what is the resistance of the other?
96. The hot resistance of the bulb's filament is higher than its cold resistance because the temperature coefficient of the filament is
97. Voltage dependent resistors are used
98. With rise in temperature the resistance of pure metals
99. Which of the following statement is correct?
100. Two lamps 100 W and 40 W are connected in series across 230 V (alternating). Which of the following statement is correct?
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