61. A substance whose molecules consist of dissimilar atoms is called
62. If a parallel circuit is opened in the main line, the current
63. Out of the following which is an insulating material?
64. A nichrome wire used as a heater coil has the resistance of 2 Ω/m. For a heater of 1 kW at 200 V, the length of wire required will be
65. Ohm's law is not applicable to
66. Ohm’s law is not applicable to
67. When electric current passes through a metallic conductor, its temperature rises. This is due to
68. The number of electrons in the outer most orbit of carbon atom is
69. If I, R and t are the current, resistance and time respectively, then according to Joule’s law heat produced will be proportional to
70. What is the answer to this question? The resistance of a few meters of wire conductor in closed electrical circuit is
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