51. The switch board instruments
52. The heat dissipating capability of transformers of ratings higher than 30 kVA in increased by providing which of the following?
53. The distance between the starts of two consecutive coils measured in terms of coil sides is called
54. In a 3-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method, both the watt meters had identical readings. The power factor of the load was
55. E.m.f. of a Weston cell is accurately measured by
56. D.C. windings are
57. The design of electromagnets is based upon which of the following fundamental equations ?
58. The disc of an instrument using eddy current damping should be of
59. For 275 kV transformers, using cold rolled grain oriented steel, which of the following values of flux density may be used?
60. ________ cooling is the process of dissipating the armature and field winding losses to a cooling medium circulating within the winding insulation wall
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