41. What is the name of the web browsing format language supported by 2.5G technology?
42. How many users or voice channels are supported for each 200 KHz channel in GSM?
43. 2G and 2.5G CDMA operators may selectively introduce 3G capabilities at each cell without changing entire base stations and reallocate spectrums.
44. Which of the following is the 802.11 High Rate Standard?
45. Which of the following indicates the number of input bits that the current output is dependent upon?
46. Which of the following is not a standard of WLAN?
47. Which of the following is the ratio of the throughput data rate per Hertz?
48. Which of the following leads to the 3G evolution of GSM, IS-136 and PDC systems?
49. How many users are supported in IS-95 for each 1.25 MHz?
50. Which of the following is associated with the handoff in first generation analog cellular systems?
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