11. The Sanskrit poet called as the Indian Shakespeare -
12. 'The Discovery of India' was written in Ahmednagar Fort during imprisonment. Who wrote 'The Discovery of India'?
13. The famous work 'Anandmath' was written by -
14. The book entitled 'Playing it my way' is related to which cricketer's life -
15. 'Neel Darpan' is a play based on the story of Indigo Rebellion of Bengal of 1860 - 61. Who authored it?
16. Who wrote 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'?
17. Who wrote the famous line : 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever'?
18. Who wrote 'Jungle Book'?
19. The serial 'India's Rajiv' was produced and directed by -
20. Who has written the book 'Courtyards of my childhood - A Memoir'?
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