31. Article 19 of the Indian Constitution provides-
32. Article 20 of the Indian Constitution "Protection inrespect of conviction for offences" deals with?
33. Article-21 of the Indian Constitution "Protection of life and personal liberty" deals with?
34. According to Indian constitution, Right to life is-
35. Article 24 of the Indian Constitution "Prohibition of employment of children in factories etc" deals with?
36. No person can be employed in factories or mines unless he is above the age of -
37. Article 27 of the Indian Constitution "Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion" deals with?
38. In which of the following articles the interests of minorities are covered?
39. What is the basis of recognition of minorities in Indian constitution?
40. Article-31(A) of the Indian Constitution "Saving of Laws providing for acquisition of estates etc" deals with?
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