41. Article-31(B) of the Indian Constitution "Validation of certain Acts and Regulations" deals with the-
42. Article-31(C) of the Indian Constitution "Saving of laws giving effect to certain directive principles" deals with?
43. Under which of the following article of Indian constitution, the fundamental rights of defence forces' personnel can be restricted specially?
44. Which Article specifies the Fundamental Duties of every citizen?
45. Fundamental duties are included in the Indian Constitution by the Amendment-
46. When were the fundamental duties inserted in Indian constitution?
47. Who is the custodian of the implementation of the fundamental rights?
48. Which of the followings issues a writ?
49. What is the literal meaning of 'Certiorari'?
50. Which of the following writs/ orders of the High Court/Supreme Court is sought to get an order of an authority quashed?
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