11. In push button token less territory, before starting the train with for T/369(1) during signal failure at station in advance, SM to get ________ from that station.
12. EMU train has ________ type of couplings.
13. At the starting station, passenger train must have ________ % of brake power.
14. In the enroute, passenger train must have ________ % of brake power.
15. At the starting station, M/E train must have ________ % of brake power.
16. In the enroute, M/E train must have ________ % of brake power.
17. At the starting station, CC rake goods train must have ________ % of brake power.
18. At the enroute, CC rake goods train must have ________ % of brake power.
19. For imposition of line block application must be sent ________ Hours in advance.
20. If the G marker Gate signal is at ON, Loco pilot may pass it after stopping for 01 minute by day and ________ minutes by night.
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