21. Signals are normally located to the ________ side of the line.
22. When the SM receive a message from local authorities fro unsafe condition of river bunds he must issue caution order with speed ________ kmph during day.
23. Danger zone in 25 KV AC traction is ________ meters from OHE.
24. Danger zone in 1500 DC traction is ________ meters from OHE.
25. After advising the SM about Engine failure, if the Engine is able to move Driver can proceed with one Railway Servant walk in the front and another follow the train with danger signal at a distance not less than ________ Meters on MG/BG.
26. Each motor coach shall consist of ________ Traction motors.
27. Suburban Working time table is signed by ________ , COM and CPTM.
28. In the event of an accident falling in more than one class it should be treated as an accident in the ________ class.
29. Caution order is carried forward at stations on ________ at 09:00 hours.
30. When the points are set for main line, point indicator shows white target by day and ________ Light by night.
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