71. Which whistle code shall be used by loco pilot while Approach on W board.
72. Guard of passenger train shall sign on ________ minutes before the actual departure of the train.
73. Guard of goods train shall sign on ________ minutes before the actual departure of the train.
74. Guard of suburban train shall sign on ________ minutes before the actual departure of the train.
75. Loss of Railway property of ________ is treated as serious accident.
76. Motorman shall give ________ beat to release the hand brakes.
77. Station manager of a big station shall inspect the cabins at least once in ________.
78. When the platform level is ________ MM and more second arriving train shall not be received and berthed on non platform line directly.
79. On which time the watch shall be set by loco pilot with Station masters watch?
80. During prolonged failure of signals in automatic section, ________ authority is issued.
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